Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kevin Costner In Superman: Man Of Steel

I'm sure many of you know about this already but I just found out about it recently. It seems that our favorite superhero, Superman, is going to have a new movie and we can expect to see it next year.

The title of the new Superman movie is Man Of Steel and it is a reboot of the Superman story. What it means is, the movie will start from the very beginning. This Superman movie is not based on any previous Superman movies.

Man Of Steel has an all-star cast of Hollywood stars and movie veterans with Henry Cavill playing the title role as Clark Kent/Superman. The movie also includes Russel Crowe of Gladiator playing Jor-el, Superman's biological father, Amy Adams as Lois Lane, Diane Lane as Martha Kent, Laurence Fishburne as Perry White and others.

As you can see, Man Of Steel is not lacking in star power but what caught my attention most is the star playing Jonathan Kent, Superman's foster-father. I've seen him in movies like Dances With Wolves, Water World, The Postman, The Bodyguard with Whitney Houston (RIP), Field Of Dreams, Tin Cup and many more.

Obviously, I'm talking about Kevin Costner. I've seen many of his movies and, I guess, it is safe to say that I am a fan of him. Seeing his name the new Superman movie made me more interested to see this new version of the Superman mythology.

Saying that he is perfect for the role would be very bias of me but he does have the look of a Jonathan Kent in him and I'm sure he'll do a good job at it too. I just hope that he will have a longer role as Jonathan Kent in this version because, in the original Superman movie, Jonathan Kent died early in the story.

Anyway, I'm planning on taking my entire family to see this movie when it comes out just like with Superman Returns. Superhero movies are more fun to watch when you have your family with you.


  1. Looking forward to this. I'm not even huge on superhero franchises but Supes would have to be my fave. In fact the only superhero comic book I have is a Superman one. :D

  2. I love this, Kevin is so virile and very manly despite his age.

  3. I love kevin but I don't think he is fit for the superman role honestly.

  4. @stacy, KC will be playing the role of Jonathan Kent, Superman's adopted father on Earth. :D


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