Saturday, February 18, 2012

10 Random Things About Me

Obviously, my regular blogs are still down because if they were up and running then you won't see me posting on this blog too often. This is my fourth blog post for today and it is about 10 Random Things About Me.

I'm going to make it as random as possible but I must admit some of it are not totally random. For example, I won't consider the fact that I'm a blogger and a freelance web designer random but I'm sure the other things are.

Here goes:

1. I often fall asleep infront of my computer. Yes, that's how addicted I am to computers and the internet. LOL!

2. I'm in my mid 30s but I still love watching animes. My current favorites are Bleach and Fairy Tale.

3. I used to drink a lot of coffee but not anymore. Now, I drink a lot of water instead.

4. I love playing Massively Multiplayer Online Games and my current favorites are Star Trek Online, Dragon Nest, Champions Online, DC Universe Online and Showtime.

5. I love watching movies online for FREE. No, I don't download them. I just watch them for FREE.

6. I love watching television series in HULU for FREE! Yes, paid shows or paid series are also available but why pay for them when there are others that you can watch for FREE.

7. My favorite color is navy blue and, because of that, most of my shirts are in that color. In fact, if you see me every day then you might even think that I don't change shirts at all.

8. I have four intelligent children and I love them all.

9. I'm married to my wife for more than 16 years and I am looking to extend that a hundred years more.

10. I am a blogger, an online gamer, a web designer, a father and a husband rolled into one person.

Well, those are 10 random things about me. I probably could add more but this post only calls for 10 random things. Maybe I'll add them in future posts but, for now, I'll just leave it at 10.

I hope you enjoyed learning more about me in this post. If you like then you can also share some random things about you. Simply post them as a comment below.


  1. Great ramdom things about you dude! I love watching fairy tales :)

  2. it's nice to know you more. You made me smile at no. 1 and 2

    visiting from PB

  3. I used to be into the whole anime/cosplay scene but I haven't watched anime in years. I kind of miss it.

    LOLOLOL 5 & 6. Subtle. :))

  4. I think men usually can't easily let go of watching anime especially when you are always online :) My husband still watch anime in his 30's :))

    Jem of Experience of a Super Mommy


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