Saturday, February 18, 2012

Budweiser Shootout Started With A Bang

Are you a fan of NASCAR racing? Well, I like any kind of race in general specially those that involves vehicles like cars, bikes, planes, boats, etc. I also enjoy watching them when I can but not always.

Unfortunately for NASCAR fans out there, the Budweiser Shootout started off with a couple of crashes already. The first crash involved five cars and it happen in the last moments of the opening practice for Saturday's Budweiser Shootout.

I wish I could say it wasn't a terrible crash but there is no such thing because any crash is terrible. A simple bump can lead to a pile-up that can result to massive losses both in property and lives.

The second crash happened today when nine cars crashed in the ninth lap of the race. This crash was larger than the first crash not because it involved nine cars but because it was more destructive.

Cars were thrown-off the course and collided with the wall. A few even burst into flames and a flaming car is very, very dangerous because it could also explode. If it does then it will greatly put the life of its driver at risk.

From what I've read and seen in the news, none of the drivers in the crash got hurt seriously and that is very fortunate indeed.

This year's Budweiser Shootout started off with a BANG but, for some reason, I don't think crashing or car crashes is the kind of BANG they want their fans to get.


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